Cordon Blue



4 tablespoons melted butter
4 large chicken fillet pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika
4 Luncheon steak slices
4 slices of cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon sliced black or green olives
To cover:
2 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 small pinch of black pepper
2 rusk cups


1- Preheat the oven to 180 °C, place the butter in a medium-sized oven tray and set aside
2- Place a piece of fillet between two pieces of parchment paper and tap with a meat hammer until it becomes slightly thin without tearing, then put it on a plate and finish the rest of the pieces
3- Season the chicken fillet with salt, pepper and paprika and set aside
4 – Put a piece of luncheon, a slice of cheese, then some olives on the half of the fillet, bend the second half of the fillet to get a semicircle while trying to insert the luncheon and cheese inside the fillet, then secure the ends with small wooden sticks
5-Put the eggs in a plate, add salt and pepper and stir a little
6-Place the rusk in a large plate
7-Put the fillet piece in the eggs and stir lightly to be covered with a thin layer, then put it in the rusk and stir on both sides to cover well
8-Place the fillet pieces in an oven dish and finish the rest of the pieces in the same way
9-Enter the oven tray for 30 minutes, turning once or twice until the chicken is tender and golden, then serve.

Sweetened biscuit with caramel



Plain tea biscuits: 100 grams
Cream: half a box
Cream Caramel: 1 sachet
Milk: 500 grams (liquid, hot)
Sugar: 2 tbsp
Coffee: 1 and 1/2 teaspoons (instant / Nescafe)


Melt the Nescafé in a cup of hot milk.
Lay out the biscuits on a tray, then pour the milk and Nescafe mixture over it.
Then spread the cream on the biscuit layer.
Put the remaining milk in a saucepan, along with the cream caramel and sugar.
Stir the ingredients together well until they are homogeneous and dissolved.
Leave the mixture to a boil and then to thicken.
Spread the cream caramel mixture on top of the desserts, then put it in the refrigerator for about two hours of time until it becomes firm and hard.
Serve cool

Original recipe crepe



Flour: a cup
Milk: one and a half cups
Eggs: 2 tablets
Vegetable oil: 1 tablespoon
Salt: a quarter of a teaspoon


  1. Mix the flour with milk, eggs and oil.
  2. Add salt and mix until the dough becomes liquid.
  3. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat and grease the pan with butter.
  4. Add two tablespoons of crepe dough to a skillet, leave it for 30 seconds, then flip it over on the other side for 20 seconds.
  5. Remove the crepe from the pan and place it on the plate.
  6. Decorate with sweet fruits, cream or honey, as desired

Vanilla yogurt



A liter of milk
3 tablespoons of sugar
A small box of yogurt
A teaspoon of vanilla sugar


Put the milk in the saucepan, and let it boil on low heat for 40 minutes, stirring it from time to time, so that it does not stick to the bottom.

After 40 minutes, you will notice that the amount of milk has decreased in half. At that time, remove it from the stove and let it cool down a little. The temperature of the milk should be between 50 and 45 degrees Celsius when mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

After that, we add to the milk: vanilla sugar, sugar, and a yogurt box and mix these ingredients well with a hand or electric whisk. Then drain this mixture with a thin sieve to remove all the clumps.

We put this mixture in heat-resistant glass cups and cover with cling film to prevent air leakage. Then we put these cups in an airtight saucepan or saucepan and fill them with hot water to a boil. We cover the pot with its cover and also with a cloth and leave it in the kitchen for 6 hours.

After that, remove the cups from the saucepan and put them in the refrigerator for an hour. And now that the vanilla yogurt is ready, decorate the yogurt cups with fruit pieces or as desired and serve.

Marinated chicken breast



4 pieces of skinless chicken breast
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Half a teaspoon of dried coriander powder
Half a teaspoon of dried mint powder
A small pinch of cinnamon powder
Teaspoon salt
A little black pepper


In a deep bowl mix; Garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, dried coriander, dried mint, cinnamon, salt and black pepper, and rub the chicken breasts with this mixture, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

After that, heat a non-stick frying pan, and place the chicken breasts, fry them well over a high heat until they turn slightly in color, then add the remaining sauce in the marinade and reduce the heat (medium) and leave the chicken breasts to cook for 10 minutes.

Serve the marinated chicken breasts with potatoes in the oven or with rice and a green salad.

How to prepare Kentucky chicken at home



4 pieces of chicken thighs
Half a cup of flour
Teaspoon salt
Half a cup of vinegar
A teaspoon of garlic powder
A teaspoon of onion powder
A teaspoon of sweet or hot red pepper powder, depending on your choice
A teaspoon of soy sauce
A quarter of a teaspoon of black or white pepper
An egg
frying oil


Soak chicken thighs in water, half a cup of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt for two hours in the refrigerator.

After that we dry the chicken pieces from the water. We prepare the marinade; In a bowl, put the flour and add a teaspoon of salt, black pepper, sweet red pepper powder, garlic powder, onion powder, and mix all these ingredients until they are homogeneous.

In another bowl, add the milk, egg, and soy sauce, and mix a little. Poison, put oil on the fire and let it heat up well.

Put the chicken thighs in the flour, then in the egg and milk mixture. Repeat the process twice and fry the chicken thighs in hot oil for 10 minutes.

Tasty Kentucky Fried Chicken served hot with ketchup.

Chicken wings in the oven



1 kilogram of chicken wings or small chicken thighs
A tablespoon of tomato sauce
A tablespoon of lemon juice
A tablespoon of mustard
A teaspoon of crushed garlic
A teaspoon of dry coriander powder
1 teaspoon paprika (sweet red pepper powder) (optional)
Half a teaspoon of ginger powder
Half a teaspoon of thyme
Salt and black pepper


Wash the chicken wings or thighs with water and a little salt, rinse them well with water and set them aside. Then prepare the marinade, bring a bowl and put tomato sauce, lemon juice, mustard, crushed garlic, coriander powder, paprika, ginger, thyme, then salt and black pepper, mix these ingredients well until you get a homogeneous sauce, then season with the chicken wings and then put them in Fridge for 4 hours or more.

After that, cook the chicken wings in the oven on a medium temperature for 40 minutes, after the chicken wings are cooked, serve hot with tomato sauce, potato salad with olive oil or a rice salad with vegetables.

Lasagna with béchamel



Béchamel sauce:
Milk: one and a half liters (skimmed, liquid)
Flour: 5 tablespoons
Butter: a tablespoon
Salt, to taste
Black pepper to taste
Onion powder: a teaspoon
For lasagna:
Lasagna Dough: Package (Ready)
Ground beef: 1 kg (without fat)
Vegetable oil: a tablespoon
Onion: 1 piece (finely chopped)
Tomato sauce: half a cup
Tomato juice: a liter
Salt, to taste
Black pepper to taste
Dried thyme: a tablespoon
Honey: 1 tablespoon (net)
Mozzarella: 2 cups (grated)


For “Lasagna”: Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, then fry the meat, while stirring, until it changes color. Sprinkle salt and pepper, stirring. Then, pour the sauce, stirring, pour the tomato juice. Leave the ingredients on a medium to high heat, until you notice the thickness of the consistency of the sauce. Then, add honey and thyme, stirring often.
For the sauce: Add the butter to a separate saucepan, and when it melts, fry a spoonful of flour in it, then gradually pour half a liter of milk, while stirring. Care must be taken to avoid caking of the mixture.
Add the rest of the flour to a separate bowl, stirring (on cold), with the milk. Then, pour the mixture over the buttered flour, over the heat, while continuing to stir. Sprinkle salt, pepper and onion powder, while stirring.
A special tray is to be painted in the oven, with oil, and a layer of “lasagna” slices are added. A second layer is a ladle of minced meat mixture, then a third layer of “béchamel” sauce, so a fourth layer of “lasagna” slices, then a fifth of minced meat .. Repeat the steps until the lasagna is exhausted, with the last layer being the “béchamel” sauce filled with cheese.
Enter the tray into the oven until fully cooked, and serve hot

Pepper rice with butter



Butter: two-thirds of a cup
American rice: 1 cup
Water: 4 cups
Garlic: 4 tablespoons (finely chopped)
Salt: 1 teaspoon


In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter, then add the rice and stir.
Add the water and stir the mixture, put the lid on and leave the saucepan over a stove until it boils.
When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the rice for about 10 minutes.
Add the garlic and stir, put the cover again and cook for 5 minutes until the rice is cooked, and then season with salt.
Stir the mixture well, turn off the heat, and serve hot.

Berry juice



Pineapple juice: 1 cup
Bananas: 2 pieces
Yogurt: 1 cup
Cranberries: 2 cups


Put serving cups into the fridge to cool down.
Chop the banana and put it in a blender.
Add berries and pineapple juice.
Mix the ingredients until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.
Pour the juice into cooled serving cups.