Instant cheese potato fingers


A kilo of boiled potatoes
Coriander and parsley
1 teaspoon black pepper – red pepper
Salt and black pepper to taste
Harissa (hot sauce) – garlic clove
Cheese of any kind


We mix the potatoes and add each of the coriander and parsley + salt + cumin + black pepper + red pepper + turmeric + garlic + puree, we mix the ingredients until we get a consistent dough, divide it into balls and put the cheese and form it with fingers.

Chocolate ganache


A cup of liquid whipping cream
One and a half cups of Hershey Chocolate (semisweet)
10g butter at room temperature


We put the whipping cream on the fire until it is heated
we remove it from the fire and add the Hershey granules on it, pour it for a minute without stirring, after that we flip to some extent the chocolate becomes homogeneous and then add the butter and stir to the extent of homogeneity.

Sweetened condensed milk


A cup of powdered milk
A cup of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon melted butter
A quarter cup of hot water
Pinch of salt


In the blender, add the powdered milk, powdered sugar, butter, hot water, and a pinch of salt, and beat them well, until you get the desired consistency, even if I feel that the texture is too much to give a little water. Pour the condensed milk into an airtight jar and store it in the fridge for up to 3 months

Caramel sauce


1 cup sugar (200 grams)
One and a half tablespoon of butter a cup of milk
(200 ml) one tablespoon of starch, dissolved with two tablespoons of milk
Pinch of salt


We put a large pot over a medium heat and let it heat up, and then we add sugar only without water and its relative, and the first thing that starts to caramelize from below and takes a color from the sides, we turn it over with a wire beater, and the first thing that takes a medium golden color is the pure fire. The most important need is to turn a cup so that there are no lumps.

After sugar, add the butter and turn over a cup until the butter is thawed.
Add the hot milk to the mixture and stir to some extent the ingredients mix with each other, then add the milk and starch mixture and stir until we get the desired consistency, and then add a pinch of salt and turn it over well, even if I feel that it has lumps in it, you can mix it with a hand blender or in a mixer.

Pour the caramel into an airtight jar, place a nylon bag over the caramel top, cover it with the jar’s lid, and let it cool down.

You can keep the caramel sauce in the refrigerator or freezer for 3 weeks.
Caramel sauce is usually used in different types of desserts and is used in preparing some types of pies, with a very distinctive taste, and it can be used in decoration so that it is placed over many types of tart, gateaux and ice cream, and it can be used in iced juice or various cold drinks.

Pies( harsha)


4 cups of semolina
A medium cup of vegetable oil
Two tablespoons of sugar
Dessert yeast 7 grams or 8
a pinch of salt
Two cups of milk


We mix all the ingredients at once, we mix with the tips of the fingers of the hand, and we do not rub the dough.
Sprinkle the work with semolina so that it does not stick and form, according to your desire, small insects or you pour the entire dough into one ball
We put it over the pan and put on medium heat. Me try it out to me pictures of health and comfort.




375g fine semolina
50 cl of warm water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soft yeast
1 chemical yeast sachet


In an electric mixer, add all ingredients, then grind for 3 minutes, while stopping mixing from time to time, for 10 seconds.
When the dough becomes liquid and without particles, pour it into a bowl, cover and let it rest for 15 minutes until bubbles form on its surface.
Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat, pour in a small ladle of liquid dough.
When the pie is cooked, and the whole face is covered with equal holes, they are removed from the pan and placed over a clean piece of clothing.
Wipe the pan and repeat the same process until the dough runs out.
To serve: In a casserole dish on low heat, melt 100 g of butter, 200 g of honey and 3 tablespoons of soft cream. Whisk the mixture well with a fork until combined. Pour into a special saucepan for the sauce and keep it hot until serving with the Baghrir pies.

Vegetable salad



½ kilo rice
Greens are available
2 or 3 carrots
2 tomatoes
2 onions
400 g peas
2 potatoes


We boil the rice in a container with a little salt and vegetables, each one we put it in a plasticine, and we pierce the plasticizers and put it in another container
When all are done halves them, and we take mayonnaise and add a little to each need
We have been shaping the salad with health and wellness.

Vegetable soup



A cup of green beans.
A cup of peas.
One medium potato, diced.
A large carrot cut into small cubes.
4 zucchini, sliced.
2 medium tomatoes, cut into medium cubes.
1 medium onion, chopped.
2 cloves of minced garlic
Spoon Spices.
Spoon black pepper.
1 teaspoon cumin.
Chicken or meat soup, and you can replace it with chicken broth.
2 tablespoons of olive oil.
a pinch of salt.


Bring the cooking pot and put the amount of olive oil in it, then add the chopped onion and stir until it changes slightly in color, then add the garlic and sauté it, but without frying it.
Add the potato cubes and the carrot, and sauté them a little in the onion and garlic.
Add the green beans, peas, tomatoes and zucchini, then let the previous mixture over a medium heat for 7 minutes, turning them every few minutes.
Add spices, salt, pepper and cumin to the mixture, stir them a little, then add the soup in an appropriate amount or the chicken broth cube and water.
Simmer the soup for 15 minutes, until the ingredients are soft, ready to serve.

Potato with béchamel



4 cups boiled and mashed potatoes
5 tablespoons of ghee
1.5 teaspoon cinnamon
1 vanilla bag
1 cup sugar
3 cups whole milk
1/2 cup cooking cream
3 tablespoons of flour


Melt 2 tablespoons of ghee in a large skillet and add 1/2 cup of sugar.
Leave the sugar and ghee until caramelized, then add the mashed potatoes and stir with cinnamon. Stir until warm, then keep aside.
Melt 3 tablespoons of ghee in a saucepan over low heat and stir with the flour for two minutes until toast.
Add yogurt, 1/2 cup sugar, vanillin and cream to the flour and buttermilk mixture and stir constantly until the mixture becomes thick.
Spread the potato on a baking sheet, then pour the sweet béchamel sauce on it.
Enter the oven at a temperature of 220 for 1/2 hour, until the béchamel is red.
Serve hot.




1 egg
3/4 cup of milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 cup of flour
1 tablespoon sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2Teaspoon salt


Beat eggs until fluffy Add milk and melted butter to it. Add the dry ingredients and mix well. Heat a greased skillet with a little butter. To make sure the pan is hot enough, toss a drop of water and if it leaks into little bubble balls ‘dance’ around the pan, then it’s hot enough. Pour a small amount of the mixture (about cup) into the pan and stir the pan to spread the mixture. When bubbles appear on the surface, flip the pancakes to cook on the other side. Serve hot with honey, fructose, chocolate sauce or maple.