Turkish kofta


Ground beef: 450 gr
Onion: 1 piece (chopped)
Parsley: 2 tablespoons (chopped)
Tomato sauce: 1 tablespoon
Paprika: a tablespoon
Salt: a teaspoon
Red hot pepper: a teaspoon
Cumin: half a teaspoon
Bread crumbs: a quarter cup
Olive oil: a quarter cup
Eggs: 1 piece


In a food processor, put the meat, onions, parsley, tomato sauce, breadcrumbs, olive oil and eggs.
Mix the ingredients well so that they overlap each other.
Season with salt, black pepper, paprika, cumin and hot red pepper.
Mix the ingredients again until you get a cohesive meat paste.
Take a portion of the dough, shape it with your hands into medium-sized tablets.
Heat abundant oil over the heat, then fry the kofta patties until they are tender and brown.
Lift the kofta from the oil, put it on a paper towel to soak in the excess oil, then serve it on your table

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