How to make the best home pizza


For the dough:
Flour – 3 cups
Instant yeast – a teaspoon
Sugar – a teaspoon
Salt – a teaspoon
Powdered milk – half a cup
Vegetable oil – two tablespoons
To prepare the sauce:
Tomato – kilogram
Onion – 1
Salt – to taste
To prepare the filling:
Chopped mushrooms – as desired
Capsicum, cut into thin slices – 1
Olives, cut into thin slices – to taste
Onion, sliced thin – 1
Cheddar cheese – as needed
Mozzarella – as needed
Wild thyme – a pinch


1- To prepare the dough: In a bowl, put the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, milk and vegetable oil.
2- Pour the warm water gradually and knead the ingredients well to get a cohesive dough.
3- Cover the dough and leave it aside in a warm place for half an hour.
4- To prepare the sauce: peel the tomatoes and onions.
5- Put the tomatoes and onions in an electric mixer and grind them.
6- In a saucepan, place the mashed vegetables on a medium heat with a little vegetable oil.
7- Season with salt and mix.
8- Leave the sauce on the fire until it boils and thickens.
9- To prepare the pizza: Grease a round tray with a little oil.
10- Spread the dough over the tray, then put the tomato sauce on it.
11- Spread slices of olives, capsicum, mushrooms and onions over the sauce.
12- Put the pizza into a medium-heat oven and leave it until it’s done.
13- Apply cheddar cheese and mozzarella all over the face.
14- Sprinkle some wild thyme and re-insert the tray into the oven for a few minutes until the cheese melts.
15- Serve hot.

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